Adding a event

Let’s say, for example, you want to process hooks from a service called Foobar.

Inside the foobar folder, there is a folder called events (create if not exist). Inside it create a script with the name of an event that will be identified by the event property of the service class. For instance, let’s say the Foobar service only sends one event: bark. So you create with these contents:

from import BaseEvent

class BarkEvent(BaseEvent):

    def process(self):
        return {'default': str(self.event)}

Modify the process method as desired. In the event class you have access to the variables self.event, self.body and self.request. You need to return a dict with comm names as keys, like telegram, and the values are the messages each comm will publish for that event. If you want the same message for all comms that do not have a specific one, use the default key.