

  • NewBot with ID
  • Channel ID

Create BOT

For this you need to make a Bot with BotFather see BotFather. If you made the bot you can copy the id Given by botfather and put it between the quotes at token inside config.yml.

Find Channel ID

You need a channel ID of the channel you want the bot to report to, you can find a way to this at Stackoverflow.

Or if you did setup the Telegram Service. you can use the following command as admin: /chatid

If you found the ID you can copy the id and put it between the quotes at channel inside config.yml.

Example global config

If a service doesn’t define a channel or token, then the global settings will be used. Meaning, you can have different bots for different services / channels.

  bot_url: ""
    enabled: true
    channel: "-100000000"