################## Telegram ################## | Chat 'n' can be used as a Telegram bot. | The bot is very extensible, you can add your own commands. | For more information about adding commands see :doc:`../customization/adding-telegram-command`. | Requirements -------------- - A domain - A valid SSL certificate (Let's encrypt for example) - A valid bot token - Common sense Example config --------------- .. code-block:: yaml services: telegram: enabled: true server_key: '' # Only when using a custom ssl cert server_cert: '' # Only when using a custom ssl cert hostname: 'your.bot.url' port: 443 permissions: admins: - username1 moderators: - username2 token: "xxxx:xxxx" plugins: giphy: apiKey: 'xxxx' | Use ``server_key`` and ``server_cert`` only when you use an self signed certificate. | Set ``hostname`` to your bots hostname. | Under ``permissions`` add as many admins / moderators as you like. | Paste your token under ``token``