################## Patreon ################## Go to here_. In **Create a new webhook by pasting your URL here** enter the following: ``https://your.bot.url//patreon``. | In this case the ``/patreon`` tells chat 'n' hook that the webhooks are coming from patreon. | The ``/`` tells chat 'n' what project it is. | **Make sure you have** ``//patreon`` **on the end of your url** | Example config ---------------- .. code-block:: yaml hooks: : patreon: enabled: true scripts: pledges.create: - python /path/to/script.py send_to: telegram: enabled: true token: "xx:xxx" channels: - "-xxxxx" slack: enabled: false bot_name: 'Bot' webhooks: - 'https://hooks.slack.com/services/xxxx/xxxxx/xxxx' mattermost: enabled: false bot_name: 'Bot' webhooks: - 'https://mattermost.xxxxx.com/hooks/xxxx' discord: enabled: false bot_name: 'Bot' webhooks: - 'https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/xxxx/xxxxxxx' .. _here: https://www.patreon.com/portal/registration/register-webhooks