################## Github ################## .. image:: https://i.imgur.com/RRO7Wqo.png Browse to the repository you want to add, and click on settings in the menu. | In the left menu choose **Webhooks**. | Then click on **Add webhook**. | | Under **Payload URL** enter the following: ``https://your.bot.url//github``. | In this case the ``/github`` tells chat 'n' hook that the webhooks are coming from github. | The ``/`` tells chat 'n' hook what project it is. | | **Make sure you have** ``//github`` **on the end of your url** | After you've set the Payload url, set **Content type** to ``application/json``. | And if you like to protect your endpoint, you can enter a ``secret``. | Make sure to enter it in the config too. | | Last and final: **Which events would you like to trigger this webhook?** select all events | | Last one, click **Add webhook** | Example config -------------- .. code-block:: yaml services: github: token: 'xxxxxxxx' hooks: : github: enabled: true secret: '' token: '' scripts: push: - python /path/to/script.py notify_branches: - master disabled_events: # Allow all but those here - create notify_events: # Deny all but those here - push - commit_commment - watch send_to: telegram: enabled: true token: "xx:xxx" channels: - "-xxxxx" slack: enabled: false bot_name: 'Bot' webhooks: - 'https://hooks.slack.com/services/xxxx/xxxxx/xxxx' mattermost: enabled: false bot_name: 'Bot' webhooks: - 'https://mattermost.xxxxx.com/hooks/xxxx' discord: enabled: false bot_name: 'Bot' webhooks: - 'https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/xxxx/xxxxxxx' | **About the services.github config** | The ``services.github.token`` is used for api communication. | You don't need to supply a token, but you will hit the rate limits of github quite fast. | You can generate a token here_, no need to check any checkboxes, public access is good enough. | | **About the hooks..github config** | The ``secret`` is the secret key in the github webhook. For more info see above. .. _here: https://github.com/settings/tokens